WOD perjantai 26.4.2024

WOD perjantai WOD klo 9.30 ja 17 Build to challenging in 15 min: Snatch pull + high hang snatch + power snatch then: In 15 min find: Weighted pull up 1 RM EMOM x 9 min 1) (legless) rope climb x 1-2 2) bike or run x 10-16 cal 3) v-ups x 12-18 — Kehonhuolto klo...

WOD torstai 25.4.2024

Endurance torstai klo 9, 16 ja 18 Mixed intervals at consistent pace: 8 min amrap: 400 m row 20 air squats 10 hollow to arch rolls rest 4 minutes 8 min amrap: 500/400 m bike 3 wall walks 2 rope climbs rest 4 minutes 8 min amrap: 30 double unders 10 med ball cleans 9/6...

WOD keskiviikko 24.4.2024

WOD keskiviikko klo 9.30, 16 ja 18: In 20 min find: Deadlift 1 RM For time: 5 devil’s presses (22,5/15 kg) 5 HSPU 10 DB box step overs (22,5/15 kg) 10 HSPU 15 DB front rack squats (22,5/15 kg) 15 HSPU 20 DB burpees (22,5/15 kg) Time cap 9 min....

WOD tiistai 23.4.2024

WOD tiistai klo 9, 16 ja 18 In 20 min to find_ Bench press 1 RM Every 90 s for 8 rounds sets (4 each): A. 60 s double unders B. 60 s wall balls 9/6 kg —– Muscle ja power klo 11 / 17.30 / 19 (powerlift) Bootcamp (startti) klo 18.30 Eazy (startti) klo 7.30 /...

WOD maanantai 22.4.2024

WOD maanantai klo 9.30, 16 ja 18 Gymnastic EMOM x 16 1) T2B x max reps unbroken 2) rest 3) pistol squat x max reps 4) rest 5) C2B / pull-ups x max reps unbroken 6) rest 7) box jump x max reps 8) rest 2 rounds for time: 20/15 cal row/bike/run 8 front rack reverse lunge...

WOD sunnuntai 21.4.2024

Endurance sunnuntai klo 12 On the 6:00 x 6 rounds: 21 wallballs 9/6 kg 15 kettlebell swings 24/16 kg 9 pull ups Easy row or bike for the remaining time. — Masters klo 10 Eazy klo 10/ 11 (startti) Kehonhuolto klo 13 Painonnosto (tekniikka) klo...

WOD lauantai 20.4.2024

WOD lauantai klo 11 Build to challenging in 15 min: 2 hang clean pulls + 1 power clean + 1 split jerk ”Dork” 6 rounds for time: 60 double unders 30 KB swing 24/16 kg 15 burpee Accessory: 3 rounds: 12 DB bicep curls 15 slider hamstring curls 20 s dead hang...

WOD perjantai 19.4.2024

WOD perjantai WOD klo 9.30 ja 17 4 sets: 5 front squat, RPE 5-6 12-15 DB shoulder press 75 s rest between sets For time: 40 air squats 10 snatches 30 air squats 10 push press 20 air squats 10 overhead squats Barbell: 50/30kg, 9 min time cap 9. Accessory: 3 rounds:...

WOD torstai 18.4.2024

Endurance torstai klo 9, 16 ja 18 Every 10 min x 4 sets: 20 box step overs 10 + 10 single DB push presses 35/25 lb 30 sit ups 40 cal row, run or bike 8 min time cap. ——- Muscle ja power (core) klo 11 / 17 / 19 Painonnosto (tekniikka) klo 18.15 Eazy klo...